
This is my journal, most likely nothing extremely personal bc I like to keep that to my physical one.


Yes it's been 3 months. Anyways. I graduated college! I also got an apartment and moved in like not even a week ago so I've been very busy in my absence. Now that I'm done with school until the Fall I hope I'll be able to work more on my site since I've missed it so much :(. My other goal for the summer is to read more which is why I'm typing this from the public library. I have books to read at home yes but I need a simple short fiction book right now since all my other options are big scholary texts and the 800 page Priory of the Orange Tree I still haven't finished. This is reminding me I need to write in my physical journal since I haven't written in there in agessssss. Maybe this summer I'll get to writing in it more regularly (I say this every year) we'll see. In terms of news for this site my next shrine will most likely be for Spider-Man and I might write a review? Either on the book I'm getting today or on a movie I've watched recently, we'll see how I feel. That's all for today, maybe I'll be back soon.


Helloooo. It's been a minute and a lot has happened! First off my site has a new and improved look :) I'm very happy with how it turned out and really enjoyed making it. The next project on the agenda is to finish my zelda concept and make more shrine pages, we'll see which comes first. In personal news, I've been accepted into 2 of the 3 graduate programs I've applied to! Very proud of myself, I'm waiting on the third and also on financial aid stuff. It's already almost my birthday which really snuck up on me this year. I don't know what I'll be doing, probably nothing crazy lol. My internship has been going well and I'm almost done with my first project. I've been doing research on the mining display we have and have learned so much it's kind of insane. I think next I'll be working on fixing up a smaller plaque display but I'm not too sure. Looking forward to this next year of my life, see you later!


Hello I'm back! To start off I'm back at school and have started classes on my final semester! I also, of course, got a little sick before classes started and had to speedrun a cold. Luckily I feel better now :). I'm excited for my classes to really begin! They're all interesting and will definitely be fun, plus none of them have tests or a final exam. I'm most excited for my two public history courses since I will actually be working with collections and a museum. For one of them I'll be working as an intern to help them research their pieces and redevelop an exhibit case. The other is a group one where we'll be developing an exhibit for a gallery using an art collection housed by my university. It's all very exciting. Also looking forward to developing this site more! I wanna start working on some shrines so I'm doing lessons on W3 to learn more html since my knowledge is sparse. I'm thinking of doing one for tloz, spiderman, the wii, and cds/dvds maybe? We'll see when I get to it lol. See you next time!


This is my first entry! I've really enjoyed making my site and I'm excited to learn html more. I'm also excited for the new year in general! The last year started terrible honestly but ended pretty good so i'm determined to keep it up. I go back to school in a few days so I'll have more to talk about then bc of my classes + internship. See you later!